Schachburg-Archiv: Benutzerthema „Nimzowitsch vs. Systemsson“

Beitrag von Kiffing

Einen gelungenen Spaß machte sich Hans Kmoch, als er Nimzowitschs Überdeckungslehre - die wohl umstrittenste von Nimzowitschs Ideengebäude - plus Nimzowitschs Kommentationsstil in einer fiktiven Partie zwischen Nimzowitsch und einem gewissen "Systemsson" karikierte. Den "Originalkommentar" von Nimzowitsch durch Hans Kmoch findet ihr hier: [QUOTE][[1.e4 e6 2.h4 {My very oldest and latest thought in this opening! To the chess addict nurtured on spineless convention, this move comes as a punch in the face - but calmly, calmly, reader; after all, you cannot be expected to understand such moves. (Forgive me - it is not your fault, until now no one has opened your eyes and ears.) Wait just a little while and there will pass before you a miracle of overprotection of more than just earthly beauty. (I assume that I rightly assume that you are quite familiar with my theory of overprotection.)} d5]] {Black of course has no suspicion of that is coming and continues serenely in classical style.} 3.e5 {A move of elemental delicacy. (We detest, as a matter of principle, such words as "power" and "strength"; in the first place, such banal expressions make us uncomfortable, and in the second place, we like even less the brutalizing tendancy which such words imply.) Wherein lies the beauty of 3.e5...? Why is this move strong? The answer is as simple as it is astonishing. The move is strong because it is weak! Weak, that is, only in the traditional sense! In reality, that is to say, it is not the move e5 which is weak, but the pawn on e5 which is weak - a tremendous difference! In former times, it is true, it was customary to reject any move which created a weakness. Today, thanks to me, this view is obsolete. The fact that the pawn on e5 is weak, obliges white to protect the pawn more and more until at last the state of overprotection arises as if it were of itself. But as we have seen (cf. My System),overprotection is practically equivalent to victory. Hence it follws automatically that the weak move 3.e5 is a certain road to triumph. The rest is more or less a matter of technique.} c5 {All according to famous precedent.} 4.d4 {Here is is quite clear that it is more profitable for White to provoke ...c5 and then play d4, rather than the other way round, which is the customary course. For if White first plays d5, there follows ...c5 and Whites queen pawn is under attack. But my clever transposition of moves changes the situation completely. For now Blacks queens bishop pawn is suddenly attacked by Whites queen pawn!} cxd4 {What else can Black do?} 5.h5 ]]{All very clever, original and decisive! Of course the ordinary run of people who envy me every spark of my genius but cannot follow my line of reasoning for even three paces, outdo themselves in sneering at me with the poison-dripping epithet "bizarre." The text move creates confusion in the whole of Blacks army and prepares for the annihilating invasion by the queen 18 moves later.} Qb6 {Naturally not 5...Nc6? 6.Bb5! etc. Why should Black play the French Defence only to allow the Ruy Lopez bishop move after all?!} 6.h6 {An avaricious dullard would never hit on this deeply considered pawn sacrifice.} Nxh6 {After 6...gxh6 White has an even more comfortable game.} 7.Qh5!! {The reason for this becomes clear after Whites next move.} g6 {Threatens to begin a successful siege of the weakling at e5 with ...Bg7. But White forestalls this.} 8.Qh2!! {To every fair-minded observer this move must come as a revelation! All the previous maneuvers now become clear! White has completed his development brilliantly and proceeds to overprotect e5. Against this Black is helpless.} Nf5 9.Bd3 {Note the splendid cooperation of Whites forces: while the king pawn and the king bishop completely blockage Blacks position, the development of the overprotective forces takes place behind the broad backs of these sturdy blockaders.} Nc6 10.Nf3 {As a rule this is a routine move. But here it is strikingly original and as such occupies a place in the storehouse of my intellectual property.} h5 {Old stuff!} 11.b3 {A deep trap, as will soon become apparent!} Bg7 {How Black must have rejoiced when he anticipated his formidable opponents occupation of the long diagonal. But...} 12.Bf4!! { bitterly disappointed he must have been to realise that 11.b3 had only been a trap and Bb2 had not been intended at all. The position of Blacks bishop at g7 is now quite pointless. 11...Be7 would have been relatively better.} Bd7 13.Nbd2 Rc8 {Black no longer has any good moves!} 14.Ke2!! {An extraordinarily deep move. He sees through Blacks plans, and in addition he prepares a particularly powerful continuation of his overprotection strategy.} Nb4 {Just what White was waiting for.} 15.Ne1!! {This was the point of his previous move! Black is now forced to exchange off the attacking bishop at d3. But in that event Whites king knight enters the fray with fearful effect at d3, while the square f3 becomes available to the queen knight. Surely a grandiose piece of strategy. The fact is that I am a marvelous player, even if the whole chess world bursts with envy.} Nxd3 16.Nxd3! {Naturally not 16.cxd3, which would have been quite inconsistent. The pawn at b2 is unimportant, and Black only wastes precious time by capturing it.} Rxc2 17.Rae1 {White continues his overprotection without much ado.} a5 {This counterattack has no punch. Black would naturally like to get a passed pawn plus a rook on the seventh, but it is too late for that.} 18.Kd1 {Now the menaced rook must scurry back, for capture on a2 would be much too dangerous.} Rc6 {At last Black gets the right idea: overprotecting his pawn at e6. But it is already too late.} 19.Re2 Ke7 {Introduced into tournament play by me. See the note to Whites 14th move. The king overprotects e6.} 20.Rhe1 Re8 21.Nf3 {Completing the overprotection of e5 and thus deciding the fate of the game. Black has no defence. Note the aesthetic effect created by Whites position.} Bf8 {Now Black threatens to complete the overprotection of e6 by playing ...Ng7. But White has prepared a brilliant combination.} 22.g4 {Much stronger than the obvious Bg5+ etc.} hxg4 23.Qh7!! {Now one clearly realizes the masterly understanding of position which went into Whites eighth move (8.Qh2!!).} (23.Bg5+ f6 24.Bxf6+ Kf7 25.Ng5+ Kg8 26.Qh8#) 23...gxf3 {Had Black continued overprotecting by} (23...Ng7 {there would have followed} 24.Bg5+ f6 25.Bxf6+ Kf7 26.Ng5#) 24.Bg5# {One of my best games! I am proud of it if only because Herr Sistemsson is one of the strongest Scandinavian players. The game made an overwhelming impression on the players and spectators as well as on my opponent. The game has become famous in Denmark as "the immortal overprotection game!"}[/QUOTE]Quelle: [url][/url]

Beitrag von whiteshark

Sogar Nimzowitsch soll das lustig gefunden haben.(das kann ich mir allerdings nicht wirklich vorstellen :neinnein:)Hier die Partie zum nachspielen und mit den üblichen Kommentaren: [url][/url]

Beitrag von Kiffing

Man muß dazusagen, daß Kmoch und Nimzowitsch miteinander befreundet waren. Den kauzigen, idiosynkratischen Stil haben sie ja beide stark ausgeprägt. Nimzowitsch war ein Mann mit Humor. Er besaß auch die Fähigkeit, über sich selbst lachen zu können.